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Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Pub kat mana ni..?.. Teringat English and pub culture!... hehehe..Not here. Read Arissa's message for Umar. Bila nak mai? :-)
it was at edgware road. pakcik tu dok tengok the street celebration (yg iraq menang bola tu la).
sd trip: lum beli ticket la.
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sd trip: lum beli ticket la.
"The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization"
-FLlW(1867-1959)-The Genius
Male | 40
Malaysian Citizen | British Resident
Chartered Architect & Urban Designer
...dari Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga ke Pulau Imperialis...
My Japanese name is

Kakak's 2009 Diary:
>The King & I @ Royal Albert Hall
Kakak's 2008 Diary:
Kakak's 2007 Diary:
Kakak's 2006 Diary:
Kakak's 2005 Diary:
Previously employed by
- Ridge & Partners LLP, Oxfordshire
- Syarikat Pembinaan Anggerik, London site office [contract] for the New MSD/Msia Hall project
- Urbanisma International, London [contract]
- Lyons+Sleeman+Hoare, Fleet
- Barton Willmore Partnership, Reading
- Brookes Stacey Randall, London [part-time]
- AsSaffa Design Practice, Ampang
- MJ Architect, Shah Alam
Photo Album
- Lakaran Alam (fotopages)berkarat
Bicara Lalu
- raya bola
- bboh
- taste of malaysia @ ilford
- taste of birmingham 2007
- hal asap
- Rasa Landen
- seni budaya warisan negara
- Said Oghe Gedebe - Part 1Said Oghe Gedebe - Part 2
- respect
- Din
- Ray
- Krik
- ZieNaz
- Pok Ku
- Kak Teh
- Shaliza
- Blinka.Li
- ShinShin
- Honeytar
- Mat Birch
- Nik Nazmi
- Kickdefella
- Mokciknab
- Anak Alam
- Deep Focus
- Count Byron
- Jalan-Jalan
- The Reader
- mirage.studio.7
- Awang Goneng
- Organised Chaos
- Enchanted Realm

@The Genius' Home+Studio
Oak Park, Illinois
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