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Friday, May 25, 2007

HAH ! ???

Saya baru baca lapuran di BH tentang kes kebocoran paip yang teruk di bangunan Kompleks Mahkamah KL, di sini. Antara yang ditulis:

Tiga hari sebelum kompleks itu dibuka, tiga siling asbestos di bilik setiausaha Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Sivil, Datuk Abdul Malik Ishak, runtuh dipercayai berpunca daripada kebocoran saluran perenjis air yang juga sebahagian daripada sistem pencegah kebakaran kompleks berkenaan.

Hah! Apa? Siling asbestos! Saya ingat benda di dah lama orang tak guna, bahaya.

Kalau kat sini, siap ada The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 (CAWR) lagi pasal asbestos in building ni adalah the biggest occupational health killer in the UK. Kalau terjumpa asbestos... the whole area kena sealed, kena notify Health & Safety Executive, kena panggil speacialist contractor utk remove the asbestos... yg datang dengan protective suit macam nak ke bulan tu. Kalau ada sesapa yang terhidu/sedut particle asbestos ni.... boleh saman jutaria.

That's because Malaysian (goverment) don't value much of their citizen's mortal life. Only their tax *hehehe*

There's already 18 cases of National Service (PLKN) death. None have health/life insurance.

Even our ratio of civil service to population is the reflection of failed privatisation programme.



What would be the goverment's daemon?

On second thought,
I think this is the same mistaken identity case as " pencil lead ".

Everybody knows that the " pencil lead " is made of graphite - a kind of harmless carbon allotropes. But in Roman times, it was indeed made from Lead aka Pb - which is known to be very toxic in our modern world. We stopped using lead in favour of graphite centuries ago but the term, still goes down the generations.

IMHO, the term " siling asbestos " is one good example how old names continue to stick to new materials - just like the " pencil lead " case. I think either the reporter doesnt know the differences or to him, it is just a general term refering to "selain siling kapur" !

Malaysia has strict Occupational Safety & Health Act ( OSHA ) - highly recognised internationally I would say, though I won't comment on the implementations. So, I believe that would be a great issue here too.

Maybe because of that, " siling asbestos " nowadays is obsolete. Except for old buildings, all new ones used either asbestos free or plaster for ceiling material. Especially govt offices !

Well, it's only my guess.
Maybe it was indeed asbestos !
( old building ? Like I said, no comment on the implementations !)

He he ..
journalists being journalists, they can be quite blur about names of materials sometimes.

It could be either the acoustic panel ceilings or the suspended plaster ceilings. tapi dipanggilnya juga generically as "asbestos ceiling". buat dajal ke Semi Value je, heh heh.

anyhow, out of curiosity, kat U.K tu ada ke terms/system as "Turnkey Projects"?

See my husband's cartoon on the ceilings issue here, heh2.
saya pun rasa mungkin silap terminology la kot.

tapi kan, i know that in many renovation & demolition jobs in msia, org masih tak kisah pasal those old asbestos (yg amat popular up until recently); takde safety precaution langsung. those demolition guys...byklah masuk asbestos particles dlm lungs mereka, but who cares kan, they're the lowest denominator. sedih...

tapi kena ingat juga, everybody yg masuk that area, tak kira lah, datuk menteri ke, arkitek ke, engineers ke... semua kena sedikit sebanyak. pasal benda ni airborne...sekali terusik, habishhhhh.

kat sini, pasal benda ni kesalahan besar, kalau tak dapat nak presecute directly sapa salah, the top guy kena jadi scapegoat la, masuk jail or kena suspended sentence. boss at my previous office kena suspended sentenced, pasal court dah tak boleh cari the culprit. my friend's father-in-law who runs an asbestos removal company sampai masuk jail 18 bulan (served half the term though), pasal tak dapat nak pin-point the real offender jugak.

kita senang-senang je... pasal nyawa dan kesihatan of our labourers, especially, are less significant. who cares... janji maximise profit.
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