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Thursday, December 04, 2003

A Raya It Was....

Well, it was the first time I took leave from work for raya... in fact it was given. As I'm now working for a M'sian company, 2 day leave was a standard, yahoooo! And a raya sakan it was. On the day itself, I managed to catch the last (3rd) session of solat aidilfitri at my local mosque. By that time, the place was not that full anymore (as most might know, for is a WAJIB solat, not sunat like us the Shafies). Since my wife is still under her 44-day pantang, we decided not to have our open house just yet, so we crashed into others, hehe.

Then, on the Saturday 29th we had our official raya gathering for Msians in this area, attended by the Dato' Director of MSD London and family. The food was, my god, tak larat nak makan. The very next day Sunday, it was Melayu UK's Hari Raya Party at Walsall (near Birmingham) which was about 2 hour drive (in the rain) from my place. It was a very successful event indeed, attended by at least 160 people. I think the kids enjoyed the bouncing castle and musical chair more than the mouth watering food. We slaughtered one lamb for the (gujerati style) chicken bryani.

This Saturday....makan lagi [coz raya IS sebulan]. Yummy, yummy....

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