A friend emailed this the other day:--------------------------------------- start ---------------------------------------------
> > Real architects don't design buildings, only spaces.
> > Real architects don't believe in the Universal Law of Gravitation.
> > Real architects don't believe in most other forms of physics, for that matter.
> > Real architects have no respect for engineers, with the rare exception of the civil engineer.
> > Real architects don't need sleep. They don't get any either.
> > Real architects don't let sustainability get in the way of real design.
> > Real architects don't have a life.
> > Real architects think space exploration is a design process.
> > Real architects have reclining studio chairs.
> > Real architects have larger studios than bedrooms. That is in the rare case where the two are not the same.
> > Real architects have read "The Fountainhead" more than once.
> > Real architects see the world in black and white, at most in grayscale.
> > Real architects know that light is a magical phenomenon and not just a form of electromagnetic radiation.
> > Real architects will tell you more than you ever need to know about reflection but don't have a clue what refraction is.
> > Real architects don't drink anything weaker than double expresso.
> > Real architects think that plaid looks good so long as it has Golden Rectangles.
> > Real architects don't use cameras.
> > Real architects do use slide projectors. They draw their slides.
> > Real architects can see the beauty in a Brutalist building.
> > Real architects know what a Brutalist building is.
> > Real architects design Brutalist buildings.
> > Real architects live in balsa wood and plexiglass houses.
> > Real architects don't understand the word "efficiency".
> > Real architects don't understand the word "budget" either.
> > Real architects have no respect for interior designers, landscape architects, or city planners.
> > Real architects go to libraries to look at the building.
> > Real architects live in glass houses.
> > Real architects don't live in the 'burbs.
> > Real architects own more knives than chefs.
> > Real architects make less than $20,000 a year. Those who make more are architectural whores.
> > Real architects talk to buildings. Really Real architects have been known to date them.
> > Real architects know their house better than their spouse. That is if they even have a spouse.
> > Real architects get divorced more than once.
> > Real architects, when starving and coming across a piece of food, will draw it first.
> > Real architects describe their house's façade instead of its address.
> > Real architects would rather be poets or artists, though not real poets or real artists.
> > Real architects always take the stairs.
> > Real architects see architecture not as a career but as a way of life.
> > Real architects hate all things plastic.
> > Real architects don't use ballpoint pen.
> > Real architects don't use rulers. Rulers are for engineers.
> > Real architects can draw straight lines. They just choose not to.
> > Real architects don't believe in right angles.
> > Real architects do believe in Feng Shui.
> > Real architects see everything as a geometric shape.
> > Real architects pretend to understand math when they really don't.
> > Real architects don't study.
> > Real architects eat one meal per day.
> > Real architects don't draw, that's the intern's job.
> > Real architects don't design, that's the new guy's job.
> > Real architects simply pull visions out of their [deleted], which they refer to as their trash chute.
> > Real architects only know two types of trees, balsa and bass.
> > Real architects use tree stamps.
> > Real architects draw graphs in perspective.
> > Real architects always know which way North is.
> > Real architects always use the front door.
> > Real architects have egos unrivalled by anyone except other
> > Real architects.
--------------------------- end ----------------------------
Mmm... very interesting.
I didn't really check my score, but I guess it must be at least 50% ....