Busy year
Earlier this afternoon, Kakak re-started her Saturday Stagecoach after had a term off and absent from many sessions the term before due to her 6-month involvement in The King & I: UK Tour 2005. She was very happy to be back with her friends (and made new ones too). The principal too, was glad to see her back in action and asked for her photos (to be put into the academy's magazine, Young Performer).
Since she last bowed on the stage with King Mongkut and Mrs Anna in Edinburgh, Kakak has been busy with many other things.
At the beginning of the summer holiday in July, just before we went to Spain, she had her dance school Annual Medal Test/Award Day of which she did three performances; two groups and one solo. Then, my parents were here and Mama helped by making Kakak’s costume for her solo piece.
Unlike the previous years where medal test run for two consecutive days, this year it was compacted into one Saturday. All of Kakak’s were programmedto be in the afternoon, and by the time we got there at about 1pm, the timing of the event had already slipped and the whole things were running late. Apparently, there was some technical problems earlier in the morning.
Nevertheless, everything went smoothly and it was about 8pm when we finally got home. Normally, we would wait to the end for the prize giving ceremony, but this time, as many others, we were so tired and it was already quite late in the day; many left as soon as they had performed.
A couple of weeks after that, during one of her technical development ballet classes, her principle handed her the trophy she was awarded that evening, ‘Outstanding Performance Award’; another piece to go into the glass cupboard in our dining room. Ms T did look/sound a bit disappointed that Kakak wasn't there to recieved it personally on the stage then. Last year Kakak received ‘Most Improved Award’ for her great effort in the by-invitation-only technical class.
During the summer holiday, her agencies sent her to a few auditions on various things, and she had a day photo shoot at Covent Garden for a young fashion designer's portfolio. Got a place in the coming Cinderella pantomime at Reading Hexagon from that tearful audition at the Town Hall. After that, had done three recording sessions with GMTV’s Saturday & Sunday early morning kids show Toonattik. And now… back into full swing of rehearsal for next month production of The Nutcracker 2005 (in conjunction with her ballet/dance school’s 20th anniversary)…. and her school new academic year just started last Wednesday.
A busy schedule ahead for Kakak [and not to forget: The Royal Academy of Dance – Grade 1 Ballet Exam in Jan ’06… on the last exam Kakak got distinction].