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Wednesday, November 23, 2005


begitulah apa yg dah jadi dengan blog ini. raya dah kira-kira 3 minggu...tapi masih belum berpeluang nak update this space. walaupun local raya gathering dah lama berlalu tapi weekend raya open house masih berlangsung di sana sini. hal-hal kerja masih sibuk seperti sediakala. cuaca semakin sejuk dan dikatakan tahun ini bakal melihat musim sejuk tersejuk. perjalanan lebih 30 batu di pagi dan lewat hari ke tempat kerja dan pulang ke rumah (melalui jalan kampung) terpaksa merempuh kabus tebal yang memendekkan penglihatan ke hanya beberapa meter sahaja.

petang semalam, selepas kira-kira 10 batu meninggalkan kota ini, tiba-tiba ada panggilan dari seorang rakan:

'kau gi tak pak sheikh's talk malam ni? jom la'
'talk... aku tak tahu pun. kul berapa? talk on what?'
'aku pun baru tahu ni, f called aku tadi, pukul 8:00 at balliol, something pasal asian economy.... jom la'
'mmm.... nanti aku fikir...'

i pulled over into a layby... called home. should i proceed or turn back....
there was no answer; they must be out i thot. after various tries... i took an executive decision and turned back towards the city of dreaming spires....

and it was a dream indeed, as pak sheikh completely transgressed from the topic and talked his usual words (of which most of us heard many times before) of reform, corruption, freedom, etc etc including his sufferings. in other words... it was a political talk, nothing more nothing less. and his answers to most questions were pretty vague...

all in all... to me, it was a disappointing one. anyway, next stop for pak sheikh will be to my tanah tumpah darah this weekend for the by-election.


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