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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Working kids

Kakak & AdikAfter much consideration and discussion with her school, we decided not to take the offer from the theatre production company to continue with Kakak's involvement in 'The King & I UK Tour 2005' for the second half of the year. Obviously Kakak was a bit sad, but well understood the importance of her education.

Hence, after gone to Liverpool, Eastbourne, Northampton, York and Oxford, she has 2 more venues to do in the coming weeks: Bradford and Edinburgh.

So, we're back to Plan A: sending Kakak back to M'sia for one month during her summer holiday, to spend time with her grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins.

Apart from that, she'll busy rehearsing for her ballet school theatre performance of 'The Nutcracker' and her medal test. Last December she went through the Royal Academy Of Dance Grading/Exam and to her ballet school principal's delight, Kakak passed with distinction.

What was to be Adik's debut into the child modelling world a couple of weeks ago unfortunatley didn't happen when her agent cancelled the photo shoot at a very last minute. There will always be next time....

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