Venue: Sun Too Restaurant, Tanah Serendah Sekebun BungaYear: Mid 70's
In a scorching hot April noon, an elderly man walked into this posh eating place in town. Seated, he ordered his meal and a mug of pulled tea. Finishing his lunch and with his tea half consumed, he kelo the waitress.
Pok Leh: Mek, cha wak maghi kopi gak so....
Amoi: Baik cik.
After a couple of minutes, she delivered a piping hot cup of coffee, in a white porcelain set decorated with blue chinese pattern.
Pok Leh: Ambo mitok kopi mek...
Amoi: Ini kopi lah pokcik. Dia munya susu ado dok bbawoh tu, keno kacha.
Pok Leh: Dok, kopi... kopi... nok wak boh air teh ni, tok abih.
Amoi: ???